June 14th 2004 around 4 in the afternoon my life changed. I was travelling to a gallery a day after returning from vacation to deliver some art for a summer show when a young girl came left of center hitting me head on. The picture below is my crushed and crumpled car.

The MVA trapped me in that vehicle. My legs were hanging simply by tissue and ligaments. I was bleeding out and dying pretty quickly at that scene. I met the Creator of the universe that day. As I lay bleeding out and dying the pain that coursed through my body knew no bounds. Somewhere inside myself I knew I was about to meet my Creator. I said two very simple words... "Save Me". I remember the feeling of two very large gentle hands lifting me up and holding me. I remember the pain fading. I remember every atom of my being recognizing the hands that crafted the universe now held me. My soul knew it's Creator. Miraculously moments later an Ohio State trooper by the name of Bryan Pack was located just up the road arrived on scene. He quickly appeared on the scene and administered life saving procedures to me. PacMan was a tool of the Maker and helped save me at that scene.

So many miraculous moments occurred that day. Lori a nurse was placed in the traffic behind me. She aided trooper Pack and the journey to saving me began. So Many miraculous people were injected into my life. From the ER, Fire, Police, Doctors and Nurses to the prayer warriors across the world. My first responders and trauma team were an absolutely amazing team of people. Thank you to all He made use of that day to keep me alive. Bryan Pack , Lori Brumfield-Barnes , Becky Wolfer, Iffy McDoc, Gerald McKinney ,Chad Slone Kevin Plantz the ever amazing first responders and EMS of Gallia County and so many others. You're greatly appreciated and never forgotten. We love each and every one of you! It's been a journey. It still is... much love and thanks to all who were woven into the tapestry of this story.

I spent 39 days in the hospital. I was in the ICU for most of those days and even in a coma for 22 days. I spent 6 months in a wheelchair and another year learning to walk again. Since 2004 I have endured 28 surgeries to put this body back together. So many Thanks to all my wonderful PT friends who pushed me beyond the normal constraints. The pain was definitely worth every second of getting to know you. You are and will always be loved by this family! Through all the names mentioned above and the Spirit of the Almighty we defied the odds of survival and the forces of destruction. Never tell me the odds! My Creator trumps your science any day!

20 years. Man how time flies. So many lessons have been learnt. I hope I have shared those lessons and passed on the love and kindness that was shown to me during those dark days. The storm though it was harsh definitely changed me for the better. I was a young 29 year old starry eyed artist who had just earned a Masters degree in painting and had an ego to boot. Now I am humbled daily and it is an honor to be so. My Maker has never left me. He is still the driving force behind the journeys and explorations of my life. This life has dark days and storm filled seasons but if you are patient and push through, the sun breaks through the clouds and darkness as it always does loses to light. I now live in Florida. My Florida has become a quaint sanctuary where I create and own a business called Queens Cove Creative. My Cove is surrounded by the fading wilderness of Florida. My Cove is my safe place, my harbor from those past storms. Here I make art! Here I am father to amazing children and husband to an absolutely amazing wife. A wife who never lieft my side through any of the above mentioned storms. She is a strength above all others. She is my shield maiden and the wind that guides my sails. Love ya Christy!

I hope to impart some wisdom upon this world. I share this testimony of God's love and story as often as I can. His Grace knows no boundaries. I walk the beaches and forest here in Florida on legs doctors told me would never work again. I breathe in coastal air on lungs that were collapsed. I see through the veil. Don't let the modern day complications confuse or depress you. Turn of the news. Go outside. Breathe in fresh air and stop the hate. The hate that social media spews is too exhausting so move on from it. Leave it in the past where it belongs. I leave a lot of the pain I endured there. It's to exhausting to try to carry that cross. Stop trying to earn Grace and just enjoy this journey with the Maker. The pain of life has purpose. The journey is an amazing one if you let yourself see the wonders. My journeys and my story aren't completed yet. When they are I will look back and say as Frost did... I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. The Road Not Taken
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Many Thanks to all who are and were a part of this story! Many blessings and much Love your way!
L. Jason Queen

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